
Hydropolis is the first startup in Poland developing turnkey vertical farming technology. As a Marketing Specialist at a startup, I researched, managed social media, and wrote copy. I built a consistent brand image, developed the website, and launched new communication channels. I delivered creative content and established partnerships with media. It was an exciting time as the startup closed its first big deal and moved into a period of rapid growth

Organization: Hydropolis
My Role: Marketing Specialist 
Category: Startup, Vertical Farming, Agtech
Link: Hydropolis

  • Overhauled multi-channel marketing campaign that boosted social media outreach by 600% within 6 months and led to partnerships with 3 major news outlets.
  • Designed 2 product catalogs and numerous pitch decks, including graphic design and copywriting.
  • Created a blog and wrote over 20+ articles on specialized topics.
  • Executed 2 competitive analyses and market research of 5+ Asian, European, and African markets that helped identify target markets and craft a business model for international growth.